The Gliding Commission has not been formed for the years 2025 to 2028. The Board of Directors of ELAO has appointed Mr. Anastasiou Alexis as a Technical Advisor.

A few words
about the Sport
Gliding is the flight with an aircraft without an engine. It logic is based on exploiting the upward currents of the atmosphere that make the light ship fly for a long time.
The special aircraft is called a glider and is usually made of light wood. It has large and slender wings which are 12 - 18 meters long and to maneuver it has rudders, similar to airplanes. To take off it is towed by a plane.
All that is needed, apart from the appropriate meteorological conditions, is the ability and good judgment of the pilot, who should choose and take advantage of the upstream currents.
In Athens the Athens gliding club has been operating since 1935 under the auspices of ELAO and there is also Tripoli's air sports center since 1956.