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Flight of the Deputy Minister of Culture & Sports Mr. Lefteris Avgenakis with the President of ELAO

On Saturday 15/5/2021, Deputy Minister of Culture and Sports Mr. Lefteris Avgenakis had a flight with the President of ELAO Mr. Makrakis Nikos with a super-light aircraft of TALOS Heraklion Aeroclub. The aircraft took off from Tympaki military airport and landed at 'Nikos Kazantzakis' International Airport in Heraklion. After the flight, the Mr. Deputy Minister commented on his personal Facebook page:


Take off from TYMPAKI military airport. Air sports are an impressive, unique experience. Piloted by the President of the Hellenic Aeronautical & Airsports Federation, Mr. Nikos Makraki, we flew from Tympaki to Heraklion. In the context of promotion and development of the sport, we are launching the hosting of air sports at the Sports Center of the Olympic Village, with the provision of outdoor space for the creation of a model track. That means infrastructure for flights of model airplanes of specific categories (captives, remote-controlled helicopters and small remote-controlled airplanes, racing Drones), as well as for the hosting of the Panhellenic Aeromodelling Championship and international competitions. "

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