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Panhellenic Ultra-light Championship 2021, Tatoi, 19-20 February 2022

The postponed pan-Hellenic Championship for Ultra-light planes 2021 took place at Dekelia Air Base in Tatoi from 19th to 20th February 2022.


12 crews from 6 aeroclubs participated in the championship (Aeroclub of Dekelia, Preveza, Phaethon, TALOS of Heraklion, Hermes and Serres).


The first three places were the following:

1st place crew Sofianos Elias-Sofianos Elias (Dhekelia Aeroclub)

2nd place crew Fontaras Euclid-Samprakos Nikitas (Preveza Aeroclub)

3rd place crew Gritsis Ioannis-Belesis Lambros (Phaethon Aeroclub)

Check here for a full list of results.

Competition system

The championship was held in accordance with the National Ultra-light Competition Regulations of ELAO titled: "Timed Cycle and Precision Landing". Only the RAL2T class of 3AXIS took place. According to the regulations, 3 qualifying rounds were performed, with the rejection of the one with the worst score, from which the positions 5 to 12 of the final ranking emerged. The first 4 crews competed in a final race (FLY-OFF) of 2 rounds from which positions 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the final ranking emerged.

Director of competition and Judicial Committee

The Director of the competition was Mr. Lagouros Pantelis from Athens Aeroclub and the Hellenic Judicial Committee consisted of Mr. Methenitis Georgios (president), Mr. Lalos Konstantinos and Mr. Thanos Athanasios (members).


We thank our sponsors Plaisio Computers for providing a video camera and Fresh-Snack for providing snacks and sweets for the needs of the competition.

Awards Ceremony

The closing ceremony was held outside the offices of ELAO. Cups were given to the 3 winners and participation certificates to all air athletes.

We had the honor to have the following guests awarding the cups to the winners:

-The representative of the Chief of GEA and Commander 123STE, Mr. BROUMAS Vassilios.

-The Commander of YPA, Mr. DRITSAKOS Georgios.

- The General, Mr. KYKERIS Spyridon.

Earlier, the Deputy Commander of YPA, Mr. TAMPAKIDIS Zafiris, visited the championship and the offices of ELAO.

From left to right the award ceremony for 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place and photo with all winners.

ELAO President Mr. Makrakis awarded a special trophy '' THE GRANPA TROPHY'' to Ilias Sofianos and Ilias Sofianos Jr. , as they are the first crew with grandfather and grandson that takes place in Hellenic competitions

More photos from the awards ceremony and the competition



Ελληνική Αεραθλητική Ομοσπονδία
Τ.Θ.: 51150, T.K.:14510
Νέα Κηφισιά

Dekelia Air Base, Tatoiou Avenue
PC 13671, Acharnes
Athens, Greece




Phone: +30 2109649788
Monday - Friday
09.00 a.m - 14.30 p.m.

Mob: +30 6982120621

Fax: 210 9649547

© Copyright 2024, Hellenic Aeronautical & Air Sports Federation, Created by Maria Oikonomopoulou, Managed by Mademlis Ioannis

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